What's New With Those Dudes?

So, the EP has been out for a hot minute. You listened to it and you loved it, but you already find yourself asking, "What's new with those dudes?" Well I'm here to tell you: not much.

The only performance planned for the near future is an acoustic set at our brother and his friends' graduation party. It will be kind of like a large, sober house show. Should be a good time. Rumor has it Battle's BBQ is catering, so no one will leave disappointed.

The debate for shows to promote Echoes In Me is whether to do them plugged in or out. Acoustic shows make sense for the new songs, and it is certainly easier to set up, travel, etc. with limited gear, but electric shows are just so damn fun. Playing acoustic shows also opens up a wider range of venues. There is just no replacement for rockin' and rollin', though. Feel free to weigh in.

I'm also in the planning/saving phase of upgrading my home recording situation. My 2006 iMac isn't really up to the task any longer. My hope is to purchase a MacBook Pro once the new version is released this year (or so says the internets). I'll then have to upgrade my DAW, with the two obvious choices being ProTools and Logic. Apple on Apple is always a beautiful exercise in synergy, but ProTools is still the professional standard. ProTools First is also interesting, but it really just seems like a gateway drug/wallet opener. Again, feel free to weigh in.

Finally, I've been looking into some new Wire Frames merch. I want things that relate to or tie into the songs, lyrics, album concepts, etc., rather than just slapping our logo on a bunch of junk. Obviously, it also needs to be high quality, and there's always room for the classics, i.e. shirts, stickers, buttons, but there are a lot of other ideas that could be really cool if executed properly. Like writing a song about pudding and then creating a new pudding that doubles as sunscreen, and each pudding cup lid contains part of a code that unlocks the secret of ideal dessert viscosity. Maybe we'll stick with t-shirts.

- Curtis

Curtis Weigel